Minority Gundog Breed Challenge

28th July
Held at The Game Fair, Blenheim Palace

A team of 3 Welsh Springers represented The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club in this year’s Minority Gundog Breed Challenge held at The Game Fair, Blenheim Palace on Sunday 28th July. The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club Team were kindly sponsored by Skinners, who donated polo tops.

Team Captain, Tina Smith, along with Charles Dixon and Ruth Waller ran their dogs.  The test was judged by Gerry Meehan who put the handlers and their dogs through a simulated shooting scenario. Dogs had to hunt, be steady to shot, retrieve and demonstrate they could enter water and retrieve.

All 3 dogs performed well.  The Team was placed 4th out of 5 teams of Welsh Springers, Spanish Water Dogs, Clumbers, Sussex Spaniels and Lagotto Romagnolo.

Congratulations to Tina Smith with Pete, Charles Dixon with Steffie and, to Ruth Waller with Nerys, who stepped up to run her dog at very short notice.

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