Category Archives: News

Sad News

The Officers and Committee of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club are saddened to hear of the passing of Vice Presidents John and Pauline Phillips. Our condolences to their family and friends. John and Pauline passed away peacefully within hours of one another and will be sadly missed by their extended Welsh Springer Spaniel family. Funeral […]

Happy New Year

The Officers and Committee wish all members of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club a very happy and healthy new year. 2023 marks the centenary of the Club and we have events planned throughout the year, around the Country, to celebrate. See the January newsletter for more details and keep checking our website and social media […]

Sad news

The Club are saddened to hear the news that Alwyn Buchanan passed away in hospital on Sunday 6th November aged 90 years. Husband of our late Secretary, Val Buchanan, Alwyn was a Vice President and great supporter of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club over the years and until recently stewarded for us at our shows. […]

Open Show News

**Show Update** The WSSC Open Show on Sunday 20th November entry figures are: 41 dogs making 75 entries. Approximate timings are: 9am Show Opens 10am Judging of Dogs (21 making 27) 11.15am Judging of Special Awards Classes (22 making 22) 12.30pm LUNCH BREAK – home-cooked meals available 1.30pm Judging of Bitches (19 making 26) 2.45pm […]