Category Archives: News

Working Minority Breeds Spaniel Club Working Test Results

The results of the WMBSC working test held at Stockton Park, Wiltshire yesterday. (27th August) Congratulations to all the award winners it was a fantastic day. Special Beginners. 1st Espiritu San Isidro. SWD handler David Earls. 2nd. Emmroch Stormy Dynamo. Lagotto handler Victoria Macpherson. Puppy. 1st. Abbyford Lady Little Hound. Clumber. Handler Heather Mayes. 2nd. […]

Changes to Committee

Following the Special General Meeting of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club yesterday (31st July 2022) there have been some changes to the Officer changes on the committee. With immediate effect the following Officers are elected by those members present to serve until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club. Acting Chairman: Miss Sharon Barkley […]