(Int Ch Don’s Simply Red at Highclare (Imp) x Cleavehill Rhianna) was bred by Mrs J M Taylor & is now owned by Mrs M Holmes. She was born on 14th December 1997. Her show record currently includes: 20 CCs 5 Res CCs 16 BOBs BIS Darlington 2002 Group 2 Richmond 2001 Group 2 Crufts […]
(Cleavehill Conway x Ferndel Gabrielle) Ceri was bred by Mrs Jean Taylor & is owned by Mr & Mrs T Harrison. She was born on 14th February 1999. Her show record includes: 3 CCs 6 Res CCs 3 BOBs
(Hillpark Coin of the Realm x Cleavehill Rhianna) was bred by Mrs Jean Taylor. She was born on 5th October 2000. Her show record includes: 8 CCs 5 Res CCs 4 BOBs
(Sh Ch Highclare Viking Venture x Cleavehill Rhondda) Mabli was bred by the late Mrs J Taylor and is owned by Miss Z & Mrs J Jackson. She was born on 29th December 2002. Her show record includes: 4 CCs 3 Res CC 3 BOBs Group 1, East of England 2006