Welsh Springer Spaniel Rescue and Re-Homing
Welsh Springer Spaniel Rescue
Registered Charity No. 1182911
Sadly, there are occasions when Welsh Springers have to be re-homed. To assist in these circumstances and to help safeguard the welfare of the dogs concerned the Welsh Springer Rescue and Re-homing Scheme (WSSR) was formed.
The dog that typically comes through the Scheme is about 6-7 years old which makes the task of finding suitable homes that bit more difficult. They also get some real veterans but thanks to the kindness of the Rescue Co-ordinators and Foster Carers they try to always manage to find them somewhere to enjoy their ‘twilight years’
WSSR is a totally independent organisation set up by a group of Welsh Springer Spaniel enthusiasts all over the country to assist in the rescue and re-homing of Welsh Springers. As such the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club has no direct involvement in the running of the scheme.
The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club does however support the WSSR by way of fundraising through Fun days and other events, last year saw a donation from calendar sales of over £200 being made towards their work. The WSSC also provide space in the WSSC Yearbook to publicise the WSSR Annual Report and Accounts along with a list of their current representatives. The efforts of the WSSR and their contact details are also promoted through this website.
Area Representatives
Lead Co-ordinator – Karen Lancett
Telephone: 07887 802493
Email: karenlancett47@gmail.com
Area | Representative | Contact |
South Wales and Three Counties | Karen Lancett | 07887 802493 |
Essex and Kent | Sharon Barkley | 01233 712661 |
East of England | Alison Finlay | 01353 862397 |
Lincolnshire | Diane Monday | 07711 481320 |
Derbyshire & District | Honor Harrison | 01332 701559 |
West Yorkshire | Lesley Tain | 01484 640755 |
East Yorkshire & Humberside | Elizabeth Southgate | 07951 202107 |
Cumbria | Thelma Ritchie | 01768 899057 |
Scotland | Ruth Dalrymple | 01236 830010 |
Welsh Springer Spaniel Rescue
Registered Charity No. 1182911
Donations can be sent directly to the charity using the bank details below:
Name: Welsh Springer Spaniel Rescue
Sort Code: 40-25-10
Account No.: 34743105
Alternatively, cheques may be forwarded to the contact address on the Charity Commission website – https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/en/charity-search/-/charity-details/5127908/contact-information