About Showing
Many people also enjoy showing their dogs, this is a great opportunity, not only to show you have the best dog, but to meet friends old and new.
If you are interested in Showing, you should be able to find a local ringcraft class who will teach you the best way to handle and present your dog to the Judge. The Breeder of your dog will almost certainly be able to help you to get started; Breeders enjoy watching the success of any puppies they have bred.
There are different types of shows, such as the local village show, often called ‘Companion Shows‘ where you can enter on the day and usually win some rosettes and bags of dog food. These tend to be advertised in your local paper although some are listed on the Kennel Club website: KC Companion Shows , others may also be listed in the canine press, Our Dogs.
The next level up are ‘Open Shows‘, there are a considerable number of these held all over the country, some are held by the WSS breed clubs and details can be found on the WSS Calendar. Local canine societies generally hold one or two shows per year and these are open to all breeds, Open Shows have to be entered in advance and most can be entered on-line via the two major companies who do the administration for these shows: Fosse Data and Higham Press.
Once you have had a bit of practice, competing at ‘Championship Shows‘ is what most dog owners aspire to; here, with the right placings, you can qualify your dog to compete at Crufts. If you are successful enough at Championship Shows, your dog will become a Show Champion and you will be able to put that SH CH title in front of his or her name.
If you do decide to show your dog – we wish you the very best of luck!… and remember, whatever the Judge thinks… you always take the best dog home with you.

Best in Show at a Welsh Springer Spaniel Club Championship Show
Show Results
The links below will take you to results pages for the breed. Championship Show Results detailed every major award at UK championship shows since 2000. Club Results details the full results of shows/challenges arranged by the Club since 2000. Crufts Results details the full results from Crufts since 2009.
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