About the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club

The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club is an Association of owners and enthusiasts of the Welsh Springer Spaniel. The Club was formed in 1923, and has promoted the interests and development of the Welsh Springer Spaniel continuously since that time.

By definition of its Rules, the Club exists to promote “the best breeding for exhibition and working of Welsh Springer Spaniels according to the Breed Standard defined, published, and endorsed by the Club, and approved by the Kennel Club, and to further the training and working of the breed”. In order to provide additional guidance to its members, the Club has developed a Breeders’ Code of Practice.

Officers and Committee


Mrs Sue Connolly

Additional Roles

Judges Sub Committee

Show Sub Committee

Mr Peter Barnaby
Hon. Secretary

Additional Roles

Judges Sub Committee

Yearbook Team

Newsletter Team

Show Sub Committee

Judging List Coordinator

Show Secretary

Publications Coordinator

Mrs Christine Morgan
hon. treasurer

Additional Roles

Judges Sub Committee

Show Manager

Show Sub Committee

mrs fiona stevenson
committee member

Additional Roles

Membership Coordinator

Working Chairman

Judges Sub Committee


mrs alison finlay
committee member

Additional Roles

Club Supplies

Joint Health Group Delegate

Mrs Carol Madeley
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Mrs laura gerlach
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Joint Health Group Delegate

Annual Points Clerk

Discover Dogs

Mrs Diane Monday
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Judges Sub Committee

Mrs Gill Phillipson
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Mrs Sue Leach
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Mrs Sally-Anne Watts
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Reserve Joint Health Group Delegate

Mr Mike Lewin
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Ms Julie Frost
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Judges Sub Committee

Miss Stacie Nicoll
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Mrs Sue Morphy
Committee Member

Additional Roles

Cup Steward

Discover Dogs

Club Rules

The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club Rules 

(Revised 2023)


“The Club” is The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club

“Club Property” is physical and digital property of the Club. Including but not limited to equipment, inventory, files, receipts and electronic data (including emails).

“WSSC Cups” are Cups, Trophies and Special Awards that remain the property of the Club.

“Meeting” is a meeting of committee and/or Members in person or digitally.

1 Name and Objects

The name of the Club shall be The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and its objects shall be:

1.1 To promote the health and welfare of the breed.

1.2 To promote the best breeding for exhibition, working and other activities according to the

standard defined, published and endorsed by the Club and approved by the Kennel Club.

1.3 To promote and support the education of the breed.

1.4 To promote and support an infrastructure of training, support, activities and knowledge to aid all Welsh Springer Spaniel owners with the care and enjoyment of their dogs.

1.5 To encourage Members to abide by the Clubs Code of Ethics and Breeders Code of Ethics for the benefit of the Breed.

2 Structure of the Club

The Club shall consist of:

2.1 President – Elected per Rule 3.

2.2 Vice Presidents – Retire and eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Vice Presidents shall not be ex-officio members of the committee.

2.3 Officers and Committee – Elected per Rule 3.

2.4  Honorary Life Members – The Annual General Meeting may elect any person or persons to be Honorary Life Members of the Club, who, in the opinion of the Annual General Meeting, are considered worthy of the distinction by virtue of their interest in, devotion and value to the breed.

2.5 Honorary Assistance Dog Members – The committee may approve honorary membership to any person being supported by a Welsh Springer Spaniel assistance dog for the service life of the dog. Criteria used will be the ADI definition which is also used in UK equality law – Assistance Dogs is a generic term for a guide, hearing, or service dog specifically trained to do three or more tasks to mitigate the effects of an individual’s disability. The presence of a dog for protection, personal defence, or comfort does not qualify that dog as an assistance dog.

2.6 Ordinary Members – An unlimited of ordinary members elected per Rule 4.

2.7 Junior Members – Those eighteen years or older will not be admitted as junior members. Membership must be in conjunction with an adult Ordinary Member.

2.8 Patron – The Club may have a Patron who shall be appointed by the Committee for such term as it considers fit and may be reappointed on any number of occasions.

3 Committee

3.1 The management of the Club shall be in the hands of the officers and committee of the Club.

3.2 The officers of the Club will be the President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer whom shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting and retire on a three year rotation.

3.3 One person may not hold the two offices of Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

3.4 The committee of the Club will consist of up to twelve members whom shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting and retire on a three year rotation.

3.5 Officers and committee are eligible for re-election upon retiring.

3.6 The President shall be elected for a three year term and is eligible for re-election upon retiring.

3.7 Meetings of the committee shall be held as often as deemed necessary but at least once every 4 months.

3.8 The quorum for committee meetings shall be eight members.

3.9 The committee shall have the power to co-opt members on to the committee in the event of positions becoming vacant between Annual General Meetings. Those co-opted shall only hold office until the next Annual General Meeting at which an election of officers and committee takes place.

3.10 Co-opted committee members receive the same voting rights as those elected.

3.11 No individual who has been a member of the Club for less than two years may be elected on to the committee.

3.12 No officer or committee member of another Welsh Springer Spaniel Club in Great Britain is eligible to serve as an officer or committee member of this Club.

3.13 Any committee member who misses three consecutive committee meetings in any twelve month period, without giving an apology with an acceptable reason for doing so, shall no longer be considered for re-election at the next Annual General Meeting as a committee member of the Club, and shall also not be considered for re-election for a minimum period of twelve months. The President shall be excluded from this rule.

3.14 The Committee shall have such powers as may be necessary for properly carrying out the objects of the Club in accordance with these Rules, and from time to time may from among their Members appoint such Sub-Committees as they may deem necessary and may co-opt any other Members of the Club for such limited purposes as they may deem necessary. Sub-committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Committee and shall conduct their business in accordance with the direction of the Committee.  In the equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. In the absence of the Chairman from any meeting the Committee shall appoint from among their Members an Officer or Committee Member to take the Chair for that meeting.

3.15 No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the committee of or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered Club.

4 Election of Members

4.1 Candidates for membership shall be accepted on completion of the Club membership form and payment of the annual subscription.

4.2 Upon acceptance new members will be forwarded a copy of Club Rules and Code of Ethics.

4.3 The committee will receive a report of new members at each committee meeting.

5 Members List

5.1 An up to date list of members and their addresses, and those of branch members where appropriate, must be maintained and, if so requested, the list of names made available for inspection by the Kennel Club and members of the Club.

5.2 A declaration of the number of members of the Club must be made with annual returns.

6 Voting Rights

6.1 Each adult member shall be entitled to one vote immediately upon acceptance of membership.

6.2 In the case of joint membership each member of the partnership receives one vote.

6.3 Junior members are not eligible to vote.

6.4 In person voting shall be conducted using a method decided by majority at the meeting.

6.5 Postal and/or online voting shall be allowed as/if required.

7 Club Property

7.1 The property of the Club shall be vested in the committee.

7.2 In the event of the Club ceasing to exist, a final general meeting shall be called to decide the disposal of the Club’s assets. The outcome of the meeting shall be notified to the Kennel Club within six months.

7.3 Any officer or committee member holding property of the Club upon cessation of their appointment shall return property to the Club within Twenty-One days.

7.4 Donors of any WSSC Cups do so on the understanding they are given as an outright gift to the Club.

7.5 WSSC Cups given at Club shows and events remain the property of the Club and may not be won outright.

7.6 WSSC Cups shall only be awarded to dogs registered to fully paid-up Members and must be returned on or before the date of the next show at which they are on offer.

7.7 WSSC Cups may not be taken out of the United Kingdom.

7.8 WSSC Cups of lapsed members should be returned to the Club within Twenty-One days of membership cessation.

8 Club Accounts

8.1 A banking account shall be held in the name of the Club into which all revenue of the Club shall be paid.

8.2 Nominated signatories for withdrawal from the banking account shall be the three Officers of the Club and one designated committee member, as agreed by the committee. Such withdrawals shall only be made on the signature of any two of the aforementioned signatories.

8.3 Club accounts will be certified annually and presented to the members at the Annual General Meeting. The accounts must be made available to members 14 days prior to the AGM.

8.4 Certification of accounts must be carried out by one qualified accountant or two unqualified individuals with accountancy experience, who are independent of the committee.

8.5 Election of individual(s) to certify accounts will be elected at the Annual General Meeting for the ensuing twelve months.

9 Subscriptions

9.1 The annual membership subscription shall run from 1st January to 31st December.

9.2 The annual membership subscription shall be such amount as agreed by members at the Annual General Meeting and notified to Club Members and the Kennel Club. Changes will take affect from 1st January the following year.

9.3 Membership subscriptions shall be payable on 1st January each year and no-one shall be deemed a member or be entitled to the privilege of membership until their subscription shall have been paid.

9.4 Where membership subscription is unpaid for more than one year the name(s) and detail(s) of the lapsed member(s) shall be erased from Club records in line with the Club data retention policy and a new application would be required to re-join the Club.

9.5 Any member wishing to participate at the Annual General Meeting and/or propose/second nominations for items on the agenda or persons for committee, must pay their subscriptions for the current year by February 28th.

10 Expulsion of Members

10.1 Any member who shall be disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(5) and/or Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(9) shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Club.

10.2 If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the committee of the Club, be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the committee may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her.

Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of members, and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a member of the Club except that he/she may, within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to the Kennel Club upon and subject to such condition the Kennel Club may impose.

10.3 An expelled member shall not be entitled to the return of his/her subscription for the then current year, and shall have no claim whatsoever against the Club or the Officers and Committee, or any Member or Members thereof respectively, by reason of such expulsion.

10.4 If the Club expels any member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, dog shows, trials or competitions, the Club must report the matter in writing to the Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required.

11 Financial Year/Annual General Meeting

11.1 The Financial Year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

11.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held after the 28th February but before 31st May.

12 Annual General Meetings (AGM)

12.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Club shall be held at such date and time as agreed by the Members present at the AGM in the previous year.

12.2 The nature of business conducted will be to received the report of the committee and balance sheet, to elect officers and committee as appropriate for that year and to discuss any resolution duly placed on the agenda of which prior notice has been given to the Honorary Secretary. No business shall be transacted at an Annual General Meeting unless notice thereof appears on the agenda, with the exception of routine matters or those which in the opinion of the chairman of the meeting are urgent.

12.3 A calling notice of the AGM will be circulated to the membership not less than forty-five days before the meeting. Notice may also be placed on the Club website and social media.

12.4 Items for the AGM agenda and nominations for committee must be received by the Honorary Secretary not less than twenty-eight days before the meeting. All items and nominations must be duly proposed and seconded by fully paid-up Members of the Club.

12.5 The AGM agenda will be circulated to Members not less than fourteen days before the meeting by email, or post to UK members where an email is not on file.

12.6 The quorum for an AGM shall be fifteen Members.

12.7 The accidental omission to give notice to any Members of an AGM of the Club and non-receipt by any Member of any such notice shall not affect the validity of the proceedings of such meetings.

13 Special General Meetings (SGM)

13.1 A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the Honorary Secretary if twenty-five members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed and voted upon and requesting a Special General Meeting to do so. The committee of the Club is also empowered to call a Special General Meeting. No business other than that detailed on the agenda can be discussed at a Special General Meeting.

13.2 The place, date and time of a Special General Meeting will be decided by the committee.

13.3 The SGM agenda will be circulated to Members not less than fourteen days before the meeting by email, or post to UK members where an email is not on file.

13.4 The quorum for a SGM shall be twenty-five Members.

13.5 The accidental omission to give notice to any Members of a SGM of the Club and non-receipt by any Member of any such notice shall not affect the validity of the proceedings of such meetings.

14 Amendments to Rules

14.1 The rules of the Club may not be altered except at a general meeting, the notice for which contains specific proposals to amend the rules.

14.2 Any proposed alteration to the rules may not be brought into effect until the Kennel Club has been advised and approved the alteration.

14.3 New rules or amendments introduced specifically to meet Kennel Club requirements shall be adopted immediately.

15 Annual Returns

15.1 The officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year, the maintenance of title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Honorary Secretary for continuance of registration and that by 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the registration and maintenance of title of breed societies  / breed councils and the affiliation of agricultural societies and municipal authorities shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club.

15.2 The officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any change of secretary of the Club which may occur during the course of the year.

16 Final Authority

16.1 The Kennel Club is the final authority for interpreting the rules of the Club in all cases relative to canine or Club matters.

17 General

17.1 The Club shall not join any federation of societies or clubs.

18 Judges Lists

18.1 The Club will maintain judging lists in line with Kennel Club requirements.

Code of Ethics

Club members:

  1. Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.
  2. Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operation to the Kennel Club.
  3. Will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes.
  4. Will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act.
  5. Will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally.
  6. Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed.
  7. Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties.
  8. Will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home.
  9. Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited.
  10. Will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change.
  11. Will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home.
  12. Will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available.
  13. Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind.  Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog).
  14. Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog.

Welsh Springer Spaniel Breeders’ Code of Ethics:

  1. Before breeding a litter serious and equal consideration should be given to type, temperament, health and soundness.  In the choice of breeding stock it should always be borne in mind that aggression and nervousness form no part of the Welsh springer spaniel’s temperament and character.
  2. No bitch should be required to have more than four litters and no bitch should be bred from at successive seasons, unless a period of time of more than twelve months has elapsed between each season or a period of 12 months has elapsed between each litter. No bitch should be mated before the age of two years (preferably three), nor if the bitch will have reached the age of eight years at the date of whelping, unless permission has been given by the Kennel Club.  Before a bitch is mated due regard should be given to her general condition and fitness and, in the case of second or subsequent litters, her previous breeding history (including ease of whelping).
  3. All breeding should be aimed at the improvement of the breed.  Members should do everything in their power to discourage breeding from clearly inferior specimens and those members who own stud dogs should refuse stud services to such specimens.  It is recommended that all animals, particularly those to be bred from, should be tested for all current health issues.
  4. The Club and the Joint Health Group maintain that a breeder/stud dog owner, having bred a litter that has produced a fitting animal, where the condition, after tests, is deemed to be idiopathic (primary) epilepsy, should not breed from the sire/dam again.  The failure of the breeder/stud dog owner to adhere to this rule shall be considered a breech of the Clubs’ Code of Ethics and will be dealt with accordingly and may result in membership being withdrawn. This rule may be rescinded should a test for carrier animals become available.
  5. No member should breed a litter unless they have the time and facilities to devote proper care and attention to the rearing of the puppies and to the well being of the dam, and no member should provide stud services unless they are fully satisfied that the owner of the bitch has such time and facilities.
  6. No member should breed a litter unless they are reasonably sure of finding good homes for the puppies.  No puppies should leave the breeder before the age of seven weeks (preferably eight).
  7. No puppies should be exported before they are fully inoculated or before the age of three months unless they are travelling in the personal care of the purchaser or his known representatives.  Puppies should never be sold to countries where they are not protected by anti-cruelty laws.  (If in doubt consult DEFRA or the Kennel Club).
  8. Prospective buyers of puppies should be carefully screened for suitability and should be fully advised of the characteristics of the Welsh Springer Spaniel as a breed, stressing the necessity for care, grooming and ample exercise. Puppies should not be sold to homes where they will be left on their own all day.
  9. No puppy which has any known physical defect should be sold without the buyer being made fully aware of such defect and its possible consequences. Members should only sell puppies which, to the best of their knowledge and belief, are in good health at the time of sale.
  10. Each purchaser of a Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy should be provided at the time of sale with a pedigree, information about training, worming, inoculations and details of the Welsh Springer Spaniel Clubs.  No puppy that is of unregistered or partly unregistered parentage should be sold without the buyer being made aware that they will be unable to register it on the Kennel Club register.
  11. Breeders should also be prepared, if the home proves unsuitable and the buyer wishes to return the dog, that they must share the responsibility for this occurrence, albeit an infrequent one, and allow such an animal to be returned or provide assistance with rehoming if necessary.
  12. Offices and Committee Members of the Club are always ready and willing to do their best to help members with any queries or problems.
  13. From time to time it may become necessary for the Club Committees or the Joint Health Group, supported by professional advice, to seek the assistance and co-operation of breeders in eradicating hereditary complaints/illnesses. It is expected that in such an event breeders will co-operate fully with the Committees/Joint Health Group by providing such support and/or information as may be requested.

Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from Club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.