About the Kennel Club Breed Education Coordinator

In January 2018 The Kennel Club wrote to all Breed Clubs and Councils to request they appoint a Breed Education Coordinator (BEC) in their breed by the 1st of June 2018.

The breed education co-ordinator (known as the BEC) is an administrative role to co-ordinate all points of breed-specific education and support for judges up to CC awarding level. This co-ordinating role is held on behalf of the breed clubs in order to support the breed clubs’ obligations under the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.

The BEC is, therefore, someone who will work with breed clubs/breed council to assist and monitor level 1–3 judges who wish to progress through the breed-specific judging levels, with the purpose of helping each judge to identify opportunities for them to enhance their knowledge of the breed right through to achieving level 4.

For some breeds that have large numbers of breed clubs, it may be that each breed club might wish to appoint a representative with the sole purpose of liaising with the BEC. This will ensure that all breed clubs are involved as well as creating balance in the distribution of workload. Breeds will develop a model of working that suits them.

The BEC’s role is not intended to remove the responsibility for a judge’s education process from a breed club/breed council. The BEC is a key co-ordinating role on behalf of the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.

The full job description of the BEC can be read on The Kennel Club website by clicking here but the main responsibilities are:

  • To identify the need for educational opportunities
  • To forward plan the breed’s education and training needs to ensure an effective process
  • To assist breed clubs in co-ordinating breed appreciation days
  • To develop the multiple-choice breed standard exams for use at breed appreciation days in line with Kennel Club guidance
  • To arrange the delivery of the multiple-choice breed standard exam to breed clubs/councils hosting breed appreciation days
  • To identify through breed clubs/breed councils and assist in the recruitment of mentors within the breed
  • To facilitate the mentoring process
  • Arrange initial introduction of the mentor to the mentee as and when required, and to monitor the mentoring process
  • To identify through breed clubs/breed councils and assist in the recruitment of observers to observe judges when required
  • To arrange for judges to be observed at the appropriate time/show
  • To assist The Kennel Club with the delivery of breed-specific assessments as required
  • To encourage breed clubs/breed council to actively promote breed supported entry shows
  • To update The Kennel Club with details of all educational activity within the breed, upon request via an annual return form
  • To provide reports to breed clubs/breed councils upon request
  • To collate and maintain records received from breed clubs/councils and judges to give an accurate record of the breed’s education of judges
  • To keep up-to-date, accurate and confidential records of all contacts made and subsequent actions taken

The Welsh Springer Spaniel BEC

The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club in conjunction and agreement with the three regional Welsh Springer Spaniel Clubs nominated Mrs Pat Butler-Holley to The Kennel Club as our preferred candidate for the role.

Pat is a well respected owner and judge of the Breed who awards Challenge Certificates in not just Welsh Springer Spaniels but 24 other gundog breeds and the gundog group.

Over the ensuing years Pat has worked tirelessly for the benefit of up and coming judges, supporting them through the rules and regulations of the new Judges Education Programme (JEP). Her help and support of the Breed Clubs is also invaluable, updating us with the latest rule changes, acting as our channel to The Kennel Club in all matters relating to the JEP.

Contact the BEC

Judges may contact the BEC by email, telephone, or using the contact form below. If you are requesting mentoring this should be done in writing. Alternatively at the bottom of the page there is a Mentoring Request Form which asks for all the details the BEC will require to help facilitate your request.

    About the Judges Education Programme (JEP)

    Following a review into the future of breed judges training in the United Kingdom by an Independent Panel the JEP, in its current form was launched in 2020. The JEP and the traditional route of breed judge progression are set to run in tandem for a minimum of five year in order for those judges already invested in the traditional route the time to complete requirements to attain Challenge Certificate status.

    Regardless of which route a breed judge is undertaking a new requirement was introduced from the 1st January 2021 meaning that in order to judge at a breed show in the United Kingdom ALL JUDGES must meet the requirements for JEP Level one (save for those who already award Challenge Certificates), this means even if a judge is listed on a Breed club judging list at level A3, B or C they MUST still complete all JEP level 1 requirements in order to officiate at a show (except if the contract to judge was issued prior to 24th February 2020). Another change affecting both judge progression routes is the number of classes that may be judged. All breeds are now the same in that a judge can officiate 3 classes (4 if a puppy class is scheduled) in any breed once meeting the JEP level 1 requirements. Over this number of classes the judge must be registered at JEP level 2 of the breed they are judging OR be included on a Breed club judging list for the breed at A3 or B List AND meet JEP level 1 requirements.

    From 1 January 2021, no one can judge unless they meet JEP level 1 requirements (existing CC judges excluded). The exception to this is where a valid contract was in place before the 24 February 2020 press announcement and the appointment complies with Kennel Club Regulation F(1)20.b.

    At breed judging level the JEP is split into four levels. Level 1 is the generic base level that MUST be attained to judge any breed at a UK show, this level is a one-time qualification. Above level 1 the next three levels are breed specific. Level 2 allows the judge to officiate more that 3 classes (4 if a puppy class is scheduled), Level 3 allows the same eligibility as level 2 but signifies to The Kennel Club of a judge awaiting a breed seminar for that breed. Level 4 is the final breed specific level and signifies that the judge is eligible to award Challenge Certificates in that breed. Under the JEP a judge can be a mixture of levels across a range of different breeds.

    Full details of the JEP are available on The Kennel Club website by clicking here.

    The graphic below shows the progression route within the JEP:

    JEP Levels at Breed Level

    Starting out in Breed Show Judging - Updated criteria from 1st January 2024

    Eligible to judge:

    Prior to attaining the criteria below a judge can not officiate at a KC licensed breed show in the UK (save for those who already award Challenge Certificates).

    Criteria to move to the next level:

    • Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
    • Take and pass requirements of a dog show judge examination. Judges attending an online requirements of a dog show judge seminar may take the exam via The Kennel Club Academy
    • Pass points of a dog assessment
    • Attend a conformation and movement seminar
    • Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments

    Upon completion of criteria move to:

    JEP Level 1

    Eligible to judge:

    3 classes (4 if a puppy class is scheduled) of any breed at KC licensed breed shows in the UK

    Criteria to move to the next level:

    • Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for the respective breed (recommended but not mandatory for Gundog Group judges)
    • View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz
    • Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz

    Upon completion of criteria move to:

    JEP Level 2

    Eligible to judge:

    Unlimited classes of Welsh Springer Spaniels at KC licensed breed shows in the UK

    Criteria to move to the next level:

    • Undergo minimum of three mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between first and third session
    • Be observed judging a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without CCs once mentoring sessions have been undertaken
    • Complete remaining 10 full-day stewarding appointments (onetime qualification)
    • Have owned/bred a minimum of three dogs when they obtained their first entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification for first breed in which a judge awards CCs)
    • Attended the appropriate sub-group field trial/open gundog working test for first gundog breed (one-time qualification)
    • Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience in line with the stated requirements for the relevant breed; for Welsh Springer Spaniels this is 60 dogs. 

    Upon completion of criteria move to:

    JEP Level 3

    Eligible to judge:

    Unlimited classes of Welsh Springer Spaniels at KC licensed breed shows in the UK

    Criteria to move to the next level:

    • Attend and passed a breed-specific assessment for the specific breed run by The Kennel Club

    Upon completion of criteria move to:

    JEP Level 4

    Eligible to judge:

    Award Challenge Certificates in Welsh Springer Spaniels.

    Judge any variety classes, groups and best in show at open and limited shows.

    When recording experience under the JEP the following judging types count towards hands-on numbers:

    • Breed classes at championship shows without CCs
    • Breed classes at open shows
    • Breed classes at limited shows
    • Mock/training classes at breed club shows (practical judging days) – only one occasion can be claimed and a maximum of five dogs
    • Dogs judged at Kennel Club approved assessments, maximum of five dogs – only one occasion and a maximum of five dogs. Cannot be used in addition to mock classes
    • Dogs judged at inter or intra-club single-breed matches
    • Special award classes at breed club shows
    • Supported entry shows
    • Dogs judged at single breed dog of the year competitions
    • Overseas appointments

    Dogs judged at the following types of event may not be included in a judge’s hands-on experience:

    • AVNSC and variety classes
    • At fun days
    • Conjointly with other judges at events where the candidate judge is not required to give independent judgment on the dogs
    • Any JEP mentoring sessions

    Attending a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD)

    Breed Appreciation Days (BADs) are organised and run by Breed Clubs either in person or online. In Welsh Springer Spaniels there are four Breed Clubs who each have a responsibility to schedule BADs at least once every two years.

    Attendance of a BAD and passing the subsequent Multiple-Choice Exam (MCE) are a prerequisite to attaining JEP Level 2 in the Breed.

    If no events are planned or you are unavailable on the planned dates please fill out the form below to register your interest in attending a BAD in the breed and your details will be passed to the next Club scheduling an event to ensure you do not miss out.

    The next planned events are:

    15/10/2022 (In-person) – North of England Welsh Springer Spaniel Club

    23/11/2022 (Online) – The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club

    Download the flyer for the WSSC BAD/MCE here

    Complete the registration form here

    Pay online using the links below.

    Register interest for a future BAD

      Which format of BAD are you interested in?

      In order to undertake the MCE at a BAD you MUST meet JEP Level 1 requirements. Please confirm you have:

      - Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs

      - Attended a requirements of a dog show judge seminar (but not mandatory to take and pass examination)

      - Attended a conformation and movement seminar

      - Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments

      I confirm I meet all JEP Level 1 requirements.

      In addition to the above, those wishing to attain JEP Level 2 after successfully passing the MCE must also have undertaken:

      - Take and pass requirements of a dog show judge examination. Judges attending an online requirements of a dog show judge seminar may take the exam via The Kennel Club Academy

      - Pass points of a dog assessment

      - View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz

      - Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz

      I confirm I already meet all additional requirements for JEP Level 2.

      Requesting Mentoring


      The JEP requires judges to undertake a MINIMUM of three mentoring sessions (with positive feedback) prior to being eligible for an observation in the breed. The first and last mentoring session are required to be at least 1 year and 1 day apart.

      Mentoring can take several guises, these are:

      • Group Mentoring (can only be undertaken once)
      • One-to-One Mentoring
      • Special Awards Classes Mentoring
      • Student Judge Mentoring

      More information about mentoring can be found in The Kennel Club Code for Best Practice (for Breed Mentoring) document. A copy can be downloaded by clicking here.

      Register interest for Group Mentoring

      Group mentoring is usually arranged as part of in-person Breed Appreciation Days (BAD). Due to some candidates attending online BADs they may loose out on the chance to participate in this type of mentoring.

      By entering your details on the form below it will allow monitoring of interest in this type of mentoring and should enough candidates come forward the BEC will look to arrange a Group Mentoring session at a suitable location.


        Please confirm you are eligible for JEP Level 2 in Welsh Springer Spaniels

        One-to-One Mentoring

        One-to-one mentoring takes place at shows during judging of Welsh Springer Spaniels. A senior judge will sit with you, informally discussing dogs in a number of classes, gauging your opinions and knowledge of the breed.

        Please enter your details on the form below listing several shows that you will be available to be mentored at so the BEC may attempt to make a match. This type of mentoring requires a reasonable size enter, as such Championship Shows, Breed Clubs Shows, Gundog Shows and Premier Open Shows will be the best opportunities, should a mentor be available.


          Please list some shows you are attending and WILL BE AVAILABLE to be mentored during Welsh Springer Spaniel judging. (shows need a reasonable size entry ie: Championship Shows, Breed Club Shows, Gundog Shows, and Premier Open Shows)

          Please confirm you are eligible for JEP Level 2 in Welsh Springer Spaniels

          Special Award Class Judge Mentoring

          Special Award Classes are an ideal place to be mentored by a senior judge by talking through and justifying placings from your judging.

          If you have a contract with any of the four Welsh Springer Spaniel Clubs to judge the Special Award Classes please complete this form to help the BEC in arranging mentoring for you.

          It should be noted Special Award classes can also be used for Breed Observations since they count in the same way as a Supported Entry Show. Please keep this in mind when arranging other mentoring and maximise the opportunity. This will help prevent a bottle neck of judges waiting to be observed in our breed. 

            Which Club are you judging the Special Award Classes at?

            Date of the Show?

            Please confirm you are eligible for JEP Level 2 in Welsh Springer Spaniels

            Register interest for Student Judge Mentoring

            Student Judge Mentoring is a valuable mentoring resource and quite common within FCI Breed Show judge training. The BEC, Pat Butler-Holley facilitated the first Student Judge Mentoring in our Breed and it is hoped over time additional senior judges will agree to participate in this style of mentoring.

            By entering your details on the form below it will allow monitoring of interest in this type of mentoring and should an opportunity arise the BEC will use this list to offer the opportunity to interested prospective judges.

              Please confirm you are eligible for JEP Level 2 in Welsh Springer Spaniels