About the 2025 Calendar

The annual Welsh Springer Spaniel Club calendar is produced by the Club with profits being donated to charity.

In the July newsletter and on Facebook each year we appeal for members to send in up to 3 photographs (per household) of their Welsh Springers (no show or working images) which will then be put to a public vote to decide on which images should feature in the following years calendar.

This year the vote will take place online from Monday 26th August to Sunday 2nd September and an in person vote will take place at our Championship Show on Saturday 31st August 2024.

The calendar will advertised for pre-orders in September with delivery available from late October.

Entries must be submitted by 6pm on Sunday 18th August and sent via email to calendar@wssc.org.uk or using the form below.

    For larger files please consider using WeTransfer.com and send to calendar@wssc.org.uk


    Voting for the 2025 calendar will open at 9am on Monday 26th August 2024.

    The winners will be notified and the calendar will be available for pre-order in September with delivery commencing in late October.